Thursday, March 28, 2013

7 Random Things

Just realized Jen isn't hosting 7QTs this Friday because of Good Friday. And since I already typed this up, I thought I'd post them as: 7 Random Things!

I found out a few days ago that one of my (very) short stories will be published this May!! I am still in disbelief and completely excited! It will be in a literary+arts journal published by the local college. Crazy to think people other than my family will be reading my story! 

Ben and I are getting really close to picking a name for baby brother. We have two names we really love and are debating between. If we end up having more boys we will probably end up using both. I know it's so mean that I'm saying this and not telling the names. But I just can't! Both our girls' names are on the unique side and people (especially family) really like to give their opinion before the baby is born. Once the baby is born, it's sort of hard for them to be like, "That name stinks!!!" since it already belongs to an adorable little babe. 

I want to let you in on something. The most comfy shoes of all time:


If you click the link you might see that, yes, they are not the cheapest, but they are amazing. I have weird issues with shoes. As in, I hate wearing them. But these, these I can wear and be happy. I now own four Sanuks and they are high quality and so incredibly comfortable. I wore them to Disneyland and even with all that walking, my feet were happy. I have three shoes and a pair of boots. (Sanuk did not give me anything to say this. They don't know who I am.)

Today Avie wanted to wear panties, so we let her. And people, she had NO accidents. She even pooped in the potty. We've felt like she's been ready for a while but life gets in the way and it always seems like so much work to potty train. She has been occasionally peeing on the potty for a while, but we had no idea she'd go for it like that. It's very welcome. Dem diapers is expensive!
Potty prodigy.
I've been pretty lazy on the blogging front. Perhaps you've noticed. Or perhaps not. Whatevs.
We're preparing to move (YAY!) and Ben's had the week off school so the girls and I have been taking turns staring at him because it's great to have him home during the day. Hence, the lack of blogging.

See: staring.

I know you're really wondering how the yard sale went. It was pretty cold let me tell you. Ben and I kept making excuses to take turns going inside. We "opened" at 9am, but were putting stuff out and setting up from about 7:30am on. I had posted on Craigslist and we put up signs. People still tried to come early. They trickled in, so I'd tell them no. And then at about 15 minutes till 9am, a hoard of people descended. And there were so many, I couldn't possible kick them all out. I was so overwhelmed. All my nicely laid out tables with cute kid's clothes were reduced to heaps in mere seconds. We survived somehow and then it slowed down. The girls sold brownies and lemonade. Only cute little kids could have sold ice-cold lemonade on that cold of a day. And they did. It was hilarious hearing Gwen hawk out, "Lemonade! 25 cents!" when people would walk by. We didn't sell everything, but we made good. Thanks for your prayers and happy thoughts!

This happened today:

Gwen: I bought you and Daddy. 
Me: You bought us?
Gwen: Yeah.
Me: Where?
Gwen: The People Store. That's the name: The People Store.
Me: I see. How much was I?
Gwen: 2 dollars. Because there's two of you.
Me: Me and Daddy were 2 dollars? So a dollar each?
Gwen: Yeah. I bought Avie there too. I used to have five brothers but they were mean. So now they are far away. And I bought you instead. 


  1. 2. Are we allowed to guess? I'm going to go with George, since Lancelot or Arthur might be awkward.

  2. I wanna know the names!!! Congrats on having a boy, I am so outta the loop!! Oh, and all the boy names we come up with are weird. Boys are so hard because all the good ones are SUPER popular. We have a very unique name for a boy that I hope we get to use one day!

  3. COngrats on the short stories! That is awesome! You are well on your way. DO let us know if they are available on line, would love to read.

    And Gwen is a genius. I can think of one son in particular I would love to return to the People Store.

    Happy Easter!


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