Sunday, April 21, 2013

What I Wore Sunday

This was after Mass & breakfast at the parish & the grocery store. So...I can't really be held responsible for looking like, well, I did all those things.

Gwen got a HUGE bloody nose during Mass, which is exciting. Lots of blood always causes a commotion any where you go. Thankfully Ben was dealing with that while I was in the restrooms with Avie, because her "bottom hurt" which is sometimes her code for needing to poop. Before that, both the girls were being really well behaved (as in, literally).

The photo quality leaves much to be desired because I had Ben take them with his phone before I changed.

Oh my gosh, seriously bad quality! 

Nearly 28 weeks baby-full.

Blouse thing: hand-me-down from my Mom
Sweater: Target clearance
Jeans: Indigo Blue via Motherhood Maternity
Shoes: Bobs (fake Toms) via Ross (doesn't get better than buying rip-off trendy shoes at discount prices!!!)

Thanks FLAP for hosting. I will hopefully be more on the ball next week! 

1 comment:

  1. My two sisters-in-law get random bloody noses all the time! And I love the color of your jeans. I'll have to check them out.


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