Sunday, May 12, 2013

WIWS-Mom Day Edition

My kids missed the memo that they're suppose to be PERFECT on Mother's Day. Oh well, always next year girls!!! 

We went to Mass and there were quite a few empty pews. It was weird. There was also no coffee hour which is used throughout Mass as an incentive for us + the girls, so we were all bummed & cranky. 

Last night Avie managed to break our (very cheap) stand up mirror so I had no way to check out my Mass outfit. I wore a maternity dress from Old Navy I hadn't yet braved & when I caught a glimpse of myself in the parish restroom mirror, I thought: "Ahhhhh*&^%@#$%!!????!(sob)" I looked HUGE and felt throughly self-conscious the rest of Mass because I am pious like that. At least I was comfy! So after church I made Ben stop at home so I could change and this is what I wore:

Avie pretending to be angelic. 

The details: 
Sparkly blouse: Costco 
Jeans: Motherhood Maternity
Shoes (you can't see): Rainbow sandals

Thanks to FLAP for hosting another round of WIWS! Also, Happy M-Day to all you Mamas out there & a special prayer for all those struggling with today. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! You actually look tiny, just not right around the middle! And seriously, some mirrors make me look way fatter than others.

    I love your sparkly blouse and sweet smile!


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