Tuesday, April 23, 2013

5 Favs

My five favs for the week.

Argan Oil.
I forget what I ordered this for, but I found it in my stash o' things and decided to slather some on my face. I am plagued with dry, flaky skin & even if I lotion up day & night, it never seemed to get better. Enter Argan oil:

I've just been using a few drops to moisturize my entire face each night & my skin is visibly less dry & perhaps more radiant (perhaps). And seriously? Considering I am using SO little of it, at less than $9 a bottle, this is a pretty cheap miracle worker.

This grocery list: 

Ben added a few things. 
And yes, 'broccoli' is a word I struggle to spell EVERY time I add it to a list. 
Despite the fact we buy it all. the. time. 

Weather being relatively nice & having a backyard. 
The girls have been playing outside a TON. They love it. We don't even have fancy swingsets or trampolines or anything and they spent two hours out there today. Two hours!!! They never do anything for two hours straight. Avie will not even watch a whole movie. 
But apparently looking for bugs is the new highlight of their existence; because that's what they do. Gwen is especially turning into a weird bug kid. She carried a worm around in her shirt pocket until I insisted she not bring it (him?) inside with her. 
Avie is not as into bugs, but will trail behind Gwen as she does the dirty work. 
The idea of camping. 
Notice, now, that I didn't say actual camping. 
I've only been once in my life as a small child with some relatives & it was hell on earth. 
But I really like the idea of camping and Gwen has been asking to "sleep in the woods" a lot after reading a book about Curious George & camping. 
My kind of camping.
I'm pregnant. Don't think I need to explain that one.  

Thanks to Hallie for hosting!


  1. love that tent, that would be the only way i would camp.

    also, that grocery list is hilarious!

  2. The grocery list rocks! Could you also pick up some sanity for me?

  3. I'm not pregnant and I love your #5 and wish that I could participate in said activity more. Also, in what aisle of Costco are those items located? Very funny. :)


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